About Us

What does Ignite Creativity do?

Ignite Creativity is Calderdale’s LCEP (Local Cultural Education Partnership). We advocate for, support and strategically develop the cultural education of children and young people aged 0-25 in Calderdale.

Our aim is to ensure that every child and young person in Calderdale has access to valuable and high-quality arts and cultural experiences. To do this, we work in partnership with a range of organisations, individuals and education providers.

How can I get involved?

Visit our Get Involved page for more information on how we can help you publicise your cultural activities for young people and how you can join as a member or sign up for our mailing list.

Check our News for updates and Upcoming Events for information about sessions and projects to get involved with.

How is Ignite Creativity funded?

Ignite Creativity was supported by IVE until March 2023. IVE acted as the local bridge organisation for Arts Council and worked with most other local authorities in Yorkshire and Humber and convene a strategic regional forum and governance structure for LCEPs to:

  1. Help identify and remove barriers to the cultural and arts education of children and young people.

  2. Strengthen the relationship between the cultural and education sectors to deliver benefits to children and young people.

You can read more about LCEPs across the country here: www.artscouncil.org.uk/developing-creativity-and-culture/children-and-young-people/local-cultural-education-partnerships

Ignite Creativity is currently undertaking the work of two partnership investments, funded by Arts Council, Calderdale Council and the Community Foundation for Calderdale. These end in December 2023, and Ignite Creativity is currently securing funding for 2024 onwards.

How is Ignite Creativity structured?

Ignite Creativity is made up of several different groups. All of these groups are currently voluntary and are facilitated by the Ignite Creativity Manager.

Steering Group

Our steering group is made up of representatives from a range of cultural organisations and education settings in Calderdale. They meet once a month to strategically review the activities of Ignite Creativity.

This group has developed from a group of five organisations (The Victoria Theatre, Everybody Arts, The Piece Hall Trust, Calderdale Music and IOU) who came together in 2020 to dedicate time and resources on a voluntary basis to form a Local Cultural Education Partnership.

Young People’s Steering Group

Our Youth Voice consultation works towards finding effective ways for young people (up to age 25) to direct the activities of Ignite Creativity. For more about the Youth Voice group, click here.

Delivery Partner

Everybody Arts acts as the delivery partner for Ignite Creativity, and are responsible for delivery of activities. For more information about Everybody Arts, visit www.everybodyarts.org.uk.

Members' Network

Membership is open to anyone who is interested in the work of Ignite Creativity, and you can learn more and sign up here. We hold regular meetings and events for members, which you can lean about here. Although Ignite Creativity facilities meetings and runs training where possible, the membership primarily functions as a peer support network.